The WikiTopic form can be used for a wide range of
TopicTypes that only need to be marked
as being of a given TopicType.
If you need more structure then you have to define a specific form that
extends the attributes of the WikiTopic form. That is, the attributes defined here
are a minimal set of attributes that all DataForms should share.
Every TopicType is used in combination with one
DataForm, that is associated with it,
either this generic WikiTopic form or a more specific one.
Multiple TopicTypes can share the same form. In this case such a form must allow to select from a
of TopicTypes to mark it properly.
A common case is where one TopicType uses one specific DataForm.
Note, that a topic can be of several TopicTypes which indicates that it fullfills several
duties at once. So by marking a topic of being of types T
a and type T
you indicate that the attached form contains all form attributes that are in form F
and from F
b, given that type T
a comes with form F
a and T
b with
See also:
Topics of type 'WikiTopic'
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